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The Unspoken Key to Engagement - Encore

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, as well as many more virtual connection tools were readily available before a worldwide pandemic forced us to use them. While they were available, they were not a primary form of communicating. And today? Virtually (pun intended) every organization is using at least some form of these virtual workplace tools. It is obvious times have changed, and with that change, how we communicate has changed. And there's no going back. Nor should we.

Communication tools and how we communicate has been evolving, however our current environment has forced us to adapt rapidly in a way most of us were unaccustomed to and most likely never thought possible. So while our environment has gone 'all-in', it's time for us to go 'all-in' as well. We will dive into the 'why' and 'how' of this new communication landscape we must embrace, but let's focus on the 'what' first.

What do our employees want from us, and now except from us? What does it look like today? And what will it look like moving forward?

In the past, quarterly or annual townhalls or all-employee meetings as well as the occassional employee email blasts were the primary internal corporate communication tools. However, in today’s organizations employees want and expect more from their organizations. Now people want near real-time information delivered in different ways and formats. You may have been able to hold this trend off a little while longer, but the pandemic effect has arrived and waiting will only lead to disengagement throughout an organization. And not only should senior leadership be updating the employee population about the company, but employees and teams, more than ever before, should be communicating with one another on an ongoing basis. Engaged employees are your best advocates for increasing employee engagement and letting them share their insights and stories is a great way to enable those engaged behaviors.

Constantly engaging your employees through audiocasts, blogs, videos, interactive explainers and short surveys, as well as enabling and encouraging (creating the right environment) for the employee population to communicate with each other in these same unique and engaging formats builds and sustains employee engagement throughout an organization and at levels only few organizations attain.

Now let's discover the 'why' and 'how' to adapt to and attain this top-tier engagement through communication.

With the evolution of technology, 24/7 news cycles and the meteoric rise of social media platforms, the overall landscape of how and when each of us consume our information has changed. And with that, so have the expectations each of us has on our communication needs and desires, even within our organizations. Now we expect and get frustrated if we don’t have near real-time information at our fingertips.

Effective employee communications have always been lacking in most organizations, even prior to this evolution occurring. In all of the employee feedback surveys we have administered rarely do employees answer positively when surveyed on the timeliness and effectiveness of company information. The results always show a need and desire for more timely and effective communication and connection by and from employees.

But now, the expectations and requirements for better communications are even greater. With this global pandemic, organizations are having to communicate more frequently and in different ways than ever before. So, what was a slow evolution has quickly become a fast-moving revolution. The challenge will be as things settle to a new normal the desire for more communication now becomes an expectation. You can already hear the comments, “We used to get a lot of communication and information but that has all but disappeared”.

It will not be acceptable to go back to how we communicated with our employees before and a new approach and commitment to developing more effective communication strategy will be required. This landscaped has changed more rapidly than anyone could have anticipated, what is your plan to meet the ever-increasing employee communication expectations?

To discover more about employee communication and what Cornerstone Learning can do for you, visit our communication page.

For free engagement and performance resources head over to our Resource Vault!